Friday, May 1, 2009

TBME Introduction (Part II)

True wisdom and knowledge dwells in a world beyond relative wisdom, in a world beyond physical principles, a world beyond the understanding of duration-based beings such as ourselves. Perfect science is only conducted by a person able to be outside the constraints; one that is not limited by the space-time we struggle to eradicate from our hypothesizes and experiments. A person outside of the experimental elements involved in the established equations can uncover true knowledge. With ourselves being an integral part of any equation - the equation itself is tainted - not because of human error, but because we, by observing the equation, affect it. This is why a true evaluator of science realizes that we can only theorize about the laws that govern us, we are always inside the box.

Lovers of the Essence of Life, otherwise known as scientist and researchers, with years of experience and knowledge have gained the understanding necessary to revolutionize the inventions and creations of the world we live. Alexander Bell with his remarkable understanding of sound, which unlocked the door of common place electronic communications as we experience today. Louis Pasteur’s work with the biochemistry of nature, leading to the vaccination, elimination, and understanding of bacteria. However, there is more to the universe than the materials, physics, and evidence that can be observed through our limited (though great) senses. Belief in this experience, that biomechanical evolution has to exist in theory, is presented and used to encourage human kind to take notice, whether we believe in evolution or not, we are in control of evolution ourselves.

I do not want to lessen one key aspect of any theory, and that is the burden of proof. To be clear and precise, it is my responsibility as the presenter to present evidence of these theories; and this shall be done. However, just as with any endeavor of this magnitude there is always strength in numbers; that is my primary goal with this book, to educate many who are like minded individuals. Those who may desire to contribute to the betterment of mankind through the control and development of these theories.

Throughout the theories presented, I use one very common, yet very powerful, word repeatedly: Necessary. I use this single word to emphasize just how important any of the concepts following this word are to the progression through the theories of evolution. Though I explain these concepts and ideals using somewhat of a story format, (years of comic book reading and television) I think it is a fitting avenue for the conveyance of these revolutionary theories. The story helps to illuminate the chronological flow of accomplishments that precede the development of the civilization hypothesized and the events following the avenue most likely to be followed.

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