Wednesday, April 15, 2009

TBME Introduction

Theories of Biomechanical Evolution

-Defining controlled Evolution and Alien Biology-


Theory is parallel to religion in the essence of faith. With both, the observer is asked to maintain some level of faith. Faith is often defined as having confidence in substance unseen yet believed to be fact. Whether one believes in faith or not, all have some level of it. We turn on our cellular phones with faith in the principles of electricity’s theoretical construct. Men and women travel daily, whether by foot or automotive, governed by theoretical principles. Even the paper you are reading is made up of “some” matter which we “believe” to be a combination of atoms, Atomic Theory. So the questions purposed by scientist like Einstein and the theories they develop have never been truth. In our lifetimes they may never be defined in that manner. Nevertheless, this never stops us from going into our fluorescent kitchens, throwing a package of popcorn in the microwave, and curling up in front of the television. Never comprehending all of the theories, postulates, principles, and beliefs it took for such a small endeavor to truly occur.

One who is skeptical or critical by nature, unfamiliar with the terminology of science, and unaware of the overwhelming evidence, might be tempted to say something is "just" a theory. Forfeiting that life is an endeavor swimming in theories-a-plenty. It is with a passion that a select few ever come to realize that I have examined the world in which we live. With this same passion I have been granted a very beautiful picture of the world as it is and as it may soon be. It is with passion and understanding that I have come to write these pearls of knowledge with digestible understanding and not with mindless literary jargon. I present theories on the inevitable steps for any civilization to progress beyond the pivotal mark where we, humans, find ourselves. This point being the transition between an ultimate utopia or an utter and complete annihilation. As well as theories pertaining to what the future may hold, the effects of human biological control, and why extraterrestrials are green.

Knowledge, truth, and science have never been principles of life that could be contained. Nor could they honestly be taught from one man to another. Experience changes the understanding and the 'how' of every individual whom the knowledge is given. This is why knowledge or scholarship is an individual thing. As it is passed on, new ideas and concepts can develop. Knowledge and science are beings of great power whose effects can only be experienced through the world in which they exist and the mind that defines them. This power has the strength to revolutionize thinking and even create worlds. It is a power we will never truly comprehend.